The latest update from the Fortune Green & West Hampstead Neighbourhood Development Forum
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Dear NDF member,

Our next meeting is on Monday 7th November at 7.30pm at West Hampstead Library.

Please see attached the agenda 
and the minutes of our last meeting in September.

West Hampstead Growth Area workshop is on Saturday 12th November from 10am to 4pm at Emmanuel School Hall in Mill Lane. All those living and working in the area are welcome to come to the event, which will involve discussions about how future development can take place. Details are on the attached poster (also see below) - feel free to pass this on to your friends and neighbours.

In order to record the ongoing changes in West Hampstead, local film-maker Anna Bowman has made
two short films about development in the area. The first can be seen here - and the second one, about the Liddell Road development, is here.

See below for updates about our other work and local information:
  • The re-consultation about the proposed 156 West End Lane development is continuing. You can see the plans and comment online here. The deadline for responses has been extended to Thursday 10th November (the deadline for sending us submissions to include in the NDF response remains today).
  • To get planning alert emails - sign up here (notification letters are no longer being sent by the Council).
  • The main work to upgrade the Overground Station is about to start - the completetion date has now been pushed back to December 2018. The NDF and other local groups have objected to TfL's plans to close the pavement next to the station for two weeks during November.
  • As part of our campaign for an upgrade of West Hampstead Underground Station we had a useful meeting this morning with Tulip Siddiq MP, Andrew Dismore (our GLA representative), Val Dismore (deputy mayor for transport), TfL & local representatives.
  • Following recent incidents on the Black Path (aka the Thameslink Path) - the local police team have issued this advice.
  • To volunteer with the West Hampstead Green Gym - let us know or contact them via their twitter account.
For regular updates about the NDF's work - follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Best wishes,

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